6.4 Complementary Colors and India Ink
Color Wheel
Palette Knife for mixing
India Ink
Bamboo Skewer
Scrap Paper for line practice
Satin Glazing Medium or Matte Medium
Mod Podge 4" Decoupage Paddle Brush (You're gonna love this when doing larger works! It's soft and make beautiful flowing brush strokes.)
- Green Gold (fluid or heavy body)
- Titanium White
- Quinacridone Magenta (fluid or heavy body)
- Quinacridone Blue Violet
Supplies for Neutral Painting
Matte Medium
Palette Knife for Mixing
Liquitex 3" Free Style Brush
Heavy Body Paints. Mix three primaries together plus white or mix the paints left on your palette from your previous painting to make a neutral color. Add any neutrals you like. I'm using the following paints:
- Cadmium Yellow Medium
- Primary Magenta
- Ultramarine Blue
- Burnt Umber
- Lukas Cryl Light Grey
- Lukas Cryl Sand
- Nova Cobalt Blue